Order this Truth 4 Today Print
Everyone sooner or later prays for God to help them. In times of need, we turn to Love for comfort, safety, and healing. However, our prayers will be even more effective if we turn to God to understand Its nature, and align our thoughts with what is really going on, which is always divine Love’s good in action. This prayer comforts just as quickly, and what appears as healing is more effortless.
Order Just Cards, No Print
TT4T #269 - Card
Love this print, but want a smaller version? You could buy a card and frame it for yourself, Or buy a pack of cards and send them them out in the mail as intended. Or, they could be popped into a frame to make lovely, lasting, gifts. Each card is 4 x5, white, matte, folded, with no inside inscription. Order 1 card, or packs of 5, 10, 15 or 20.