Order this Truth 4 Today Print
One morning I woke up feeling out of sorts, not really sure what to do with myself. As I lay there trying to find some peace, I heard a little voice tell me I needed to feel some gratitude. As I did, I was once again swept up into the awareness of ALL that exists in the world that is ours to enjoy freely. Who wouldn’t feel gratitude for that! Only the self-indulgent.
Order Just Cards, No Print
TT4T #328 - Card
Love this print, but want a smaller version? You could buy a card and frame it for yourself, Or buy a pack of cards and send them them out in the mail as intended. Or, they could be popped into a frame to make lovely, lasting, gifts. Each card is 4 x5, white, matte, folded, with no inside inscription. Order 1 card, or packs of 5, 10, 15 or 20.