If you would like a print of this, or cards, please contact me directly at Beca-dot-Lewis At Gmail.com

Order this Truth 4 Today Print

Doesn’t this answer explain why we can never have a need for something? Everything is already part of our spiritual DNA. A desire might be seen as an acknowledgement of what we already have, and a yearning to experience that knowledge more deeply. If we begin with perfect, eternal, One now, it will be easier for us to see what we seek. We will see its present existence in a form we can understand.

Order Just Cards, No Print

TT4T #318 - Card
TT4T #318 - Card
Love this print, but want a smaller version? You could buy a card and frame it for yourself, Or buy a pack of cards and send them them out in the mail as intended. Or, they could be popped into a frame to make lovely, lasting, gifts. Each card is 4 x5, white, matte, folded, with no inside inscription. Order 1 card, or packs of 5, 10, 15 or 20.