The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 9

Prayer Brings Us Into Alignment – TT4T279

We’ve talked about this before. But, we often need to be reminded. We aren’t trying to get God to intervene in our lives, depending on his mood, or if we have been good. This god, made in our image, like Santa Claus, is not the answer. We pray instead, to understand who God is, to bring ourselves in alignment to the infinite One, all good, the only power.

The Word of God – TT4T278

The practical result of the word of God illuminating all, is the dissolving of the illusion of problems and revealing solutions. Most of us know, or at least say to ourselves, “There is always a solution.” However, sometimes that solution is not apparent. Which means we need to revert to the solution that always works. The word of God. What word of God will you choose knowing that once you are in alignment with that idea, the solution will be revealed.

The Illusion of Imperfection – TT4T277

Starting with the spiritual fact of perfection we cannot react to, because we would not know, the illusion of imperfection. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we had an understanding so clear that we would only see perfection. Since I often feel a trillion miles from this state of perfection, I am going to have to settle for gratitude that there will be a day that perfection is all I know, because that is the truth in big R Reality.

Eternal And Complete Provision – TT4T276

The feeling of need is an inversion and misstatement of the positive fact of eternal and complete provision. The meaning of eternal is a mystery to us humans. We use the word willy-nilly, as in “I felt as if it was an eternity before that was over.” However, eternal is what we are, and the universe is, and all the other universes that we don’t know about yet. Things change shape, events unfold, but eternity continues. And within that concept provision is also eternal. Imagine that.

Spiritual Perception Reverses The Negative – TT4T275

Spiritual perception reverses the negative illusion presented by the material senses and discerns the facts and substance of spirit. We don’t think of substance as something of Spirit. To us substance is what we can touch, feel, hear, and taste. We think of Spirit as ephemeral. The opposite is true. What our senses see is the symbol of Spirit. Spirit is the substance of all that is known, and not yet known. Probably we need to redefine our ideas of Spirit – not spirits – Spirit. Think how much that will change things!

The Nature Of God – TT4T274

The spiritual fact is the nature of God, divine Love, and is amplified and rendered practical in the action of man and the universe. Action is what amplifies and renders love practical! Oh yes. This is true within big R Reality and it is true here in the human matrix of life on earth. No matter how we express love, privately or publicly, it involves action. There is no way around it, so let’s just get busy loving, it is our nature after all.

Look To The Ideas Of Mind – TT4T273

As we look to the ideas of divine Mind, infinite Love, for all provision, it is impossible to want, need. or lose anything. Usually I don’t like the word impossible. I want to cross out “im” and make it possible. In this case, I love it. I love that it is impossible to want, need, or lose anything. Okay, I know that seems impossible. And it is within our human belief system. Step into the Divine, and anything is possible, including the impossibility of needing anything.

Every Human Need Is Met – TT4T272

Every human need is me by knowing the spiritual fact that lives within divine Mind, and letting go of the sense of need. This is a continuation of The Truth 4 Today #271. Once again, we are back to choosing the spiritual fact and letting go of our human perceptions, almost all of which involve the belief that we need things. If we knew we didn’t need anything because everything is already present, knowing and letting go would be easier.

Mind Knows The Spiritual Fact – TT4T271

What the divine Mind is knowing is the spiritual fact, and is experienced in proportion as we let go of our human perception of it. Human perception is necessary in order to survive the human state of mind, called living on earth. However, as we mature in wisdom, our desire is to know the spiritual fact, and the resulting state of mind called heaven. All we have to do is be willing to let go of what our human perception says, and let divine perception shine through.

The Belief Of Need – TT4T270

Within the consciousness of all-present Love, all belief of need vanishes in the understanding of possession. Possession, in this context, is not about owning and controlling something. It is the state of knowing we have all that we need as the ideas of divine Intelligence. Even within our limited awareness of the consciousness of the Divine, we can still experience the stability of possession as an innate quality of our true spiritual nature.

The Motive of Prayer – TT4T269

The motive of prayer is to seek, love, and understand divinity, and to bring perception in line with God, but not to fix or obtain. Everyone sooner or later prays for God to help them. In times of need, we turn to Love for comfort, safety, and healing. However, our prayers will be even more effective if we turn to God to understand Its nature, and align our thoughts with what is really going on, which is always divine Love’s good in action. This prayer comforts just as quickly, and what appears as healing is more effortless.

Provision Is Expressed – TT4T268

There is no medium through which provision is expressed. All is the direct manifestation of Mind. All provision is direct from God. Not what we are trained to think, but where else would it come from anyway? All we are doing is getting the belief out of the way that there is a middle man, thing, idea, and time between us and the one cause and creator. Expect provision, it’s present now.

Untouched By The Human Picture – TT4T267

The innate divine qualities of everyone’s true being, remained untouched by the human picture of good and bad. I know it seems as if there are people with nothing in, or about them, that resembles anything remotely divinely good. The best thing I can say about this is – that is not their real being. Whether or not their real being is still present or not remains to be seen, but when we find it, it will be untouched by anything humanly good, or humanly bad. They will be, as all of us are in Truth, divinely good.

Demonstration Is God Knowing Itself – TT4T266

Demonstration contains no human will, demands, or presence, but is always the revealing of infinite Mind, God, knowing Itself. When we claim a demonstration, aka healing of some kind, we have to be careful to not be claiming that we have made something happen, even if it is through prayer. We don’t make anything happen. A demonstration happens when we get ourselves out of the way and see what is already present, the perfection of infinite Good.

Immediately Practical Truth – TT4T265

When eternal Truth is understood, it is found to be entirely and immediately practical. What would immediately practical look like? If we needed something it would be immediately available. If we needed to be somewhere, we would be there immediately. If we were in trouble, help would be already present. Since this is already true in big R Reality, we can experience it now. All we have to do is understand Truth more deeply. No big deal right? Do you hear me laughing?

Melt The Illusion of Materiality – TT4T264

The illusion of materiality is melted in proportion as the understanding of God, divine Love, is gained and lived. Don’t you love the idea of melted? It reminds me of Dorothy throwing water on the wicked witch. In our analogy we are throwing truth on the illusion of materiality. The more we understand and live the idea of divine Love, the more our bucket is filled with Truth, which in turns melts what isn’t true. If we listen closely we might hear “I’m melting!” Glory be!

Correct View of Man – TT4T263

The correct view of man as the perfect idea and expression of Love, is seen only by, and from, the consciousness of divine Mind. We rarely see people, places, and things accurately. Usually we see them from the standpoint of what we believe, or what we want. If we want the Truth we have to shift our standpoint, our viewpoint. It’s the only thing we have to change. No matter what it takes, we have to let go and see as the divine Mind sees.

Perfect, Harmonious, And Useful – TT4T262

In the universe of Truth, all things come into existence as the substance of Mind’s ideas, perfect, harmonious, and useful. I love that one of the qualities of God’s ideas is that they are useful. Useful, and practical. Of course they are also beautiful and harmonious, but the fact that they have value in terms of usefulness makes me happy. That means when I feel impelled to do something, and follow that guidance, I am assured that what I am going to do will be useful is some way, to myself and others. How wonderful is that!

Perfect Life and Love – TT4T261

Neither the dream or the dreamer is known within the consciousness of divine Mind, aware only of Its perfect Life and Love. Since God is Love, this can’t mean that Love is unaware of Its ideas and doesn’t care what happens to us. It doesn’t mean that God is not personal to each of us since we are the action and expression of Its love. In fact it demonstrates how deep Love goes. Instead of catering to a human sense of Love and caring, It remains where Love is the force and reason for Life. That’s powerfully personal.

Find Heaven On Earth – TT4T260

The kingdom of God is one infinite and eternal whole and as we stay conscious of this Truth, we find heaven on earth. Heaven on earth is obviously not something we have to physically die to attain. But, we do have to die to the beliefs that keep us from seeing Its presence, here and now.

Innate Abundance of Being – TT4T259

Remove the belief that abundance derives from material ways and means, and the innate abundance of being is revealed and experienced. This is a belief I would love to remove, wouldn’t you? Instead of thinking our supply comes from others, or doing a job, or selling a product, or being good at something, or better than others, or an overnight sensation, we would know and experience the immediacy of innate abundance. Not as a human, but as the idea of God. A seed that contains the whole.

The Divine Ideas Of Mind – TT4T258

Beliefs are localized, temporary, and discordant; the divine ideas of Mind are universal, eternal, and wholly harmonious. In what appears as a material universe, beliefs are the engine that drives the outcomes. Knowing that, we do our best to improve our beliefs. However, can you image the Divine having a belief? Instead God is what knows, and that is what drives what we call the spiritual universe. Aren’t you glad that beliefs don’t last? I know I am!

Conscious of Omnipresent Love – TT4T257

The whole of God can never be known through the senses, but it is only found within the consciousness of omnipresent Love. We can begin our understanding of God by observing Its omnipresent Love for every facet of Its creation. And as hard as it sometimes feels, we must remember that we are included in that creation. We are not separate. We too are loved unconditionally. It is only personal human ego that claims otherwise.

Indivisible Oneness With God – TT4T 256

Our being, living our indivisible oneness with God, is outside of, and untouched by, any of the beliefs in time and space. Untouched by all the beliefs of time and space. Gotta love this! The material world is always trying to separate us, from each other, from God, from nature, from joy. But, when we recognize that we are indivisible, as One, one with each other, God, nature, joy, then we are released from the pull and temptation to participate in separation.

Never Dependent On Material Conditions – TT4T255

The will of God is always unlimited good, and Its qualities such as joy an abundance are never dependent on material conditions. Never dependent on material conditions? Isn’t this a tough one to put into practice? In the middle of sorrow, we can be compassionate and still know joy. When there are only a few dollars in our bank account, we can still understand and experience unlimited abundance. Not something we were taught in school. But, it is what we can learn now.

Nothing Needs To Be Forgiven – TT4T254

Understanding, and conscious of the fact, that divine Love is the origin of our being, we can know that nothing needs to be forgiven. Why is there nothing to be forgiven? Well, if everything is Love, if Love is the substance of being, and the action of the universe, when and where would anything happen that wasn’t loving. No where. Therefore, nothing to forgive!

Experience Underived Love – TT4T253

Dropping the belief in the medium of matter in all its forms, we experience every aspect of Life directly from underived Love. The word underived means fundamental, as an axiom or postulate; immediate. Fundamental and immediate. Nothing in between. No time, no matter, no circumstances. Nothing to earn or do. It simply is. Like Grace.

The Business of Being Light – TT4T252

Divine Light is in the business of being light, and makes no conditions on Its shining, but shines unconditionally and eternally. The idea of loving unconditionally is definitely not a human quality. As humans, we have conditions on everything and everyone. It must be a by-product of being human. That means, if we experience a moment of feeling unconditional about anything, we must be, in that moment, fully expressing and experiencing being the idea of divine Love.

Supply Always Meets Demand – TT4T251

Under the Divine law, which is the only law of existence, supply invariably meets demand, in all things, and all ways. Supply. Enough of it. More than enough of it. No matter what kind of supply, we always have enough of it. It could be time, money, love, companionship, space, homes, or opportunity. This is a law that can’t be changed or broken. No matter what the material world may say, we don’t have to agree. And when we disagree, let’s disagree for everyone. Let’s agree that supply always meets demand.

Infinite Harmony – TT4T250

The One divine Mind is the architect, designer, and builder of all Its ideas, and the producer of infinite harmony. The definition of a producer is “a person responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of making a movie or broadcast or for staging a play, opera, etc.” They are usually behind the scenes making sure everything comes out in the best possible way. So, if we know that the Divine is the producer of all that exists and keeps it running in perfect harmony, we can relax knowing that everything is in order.

The Divine Intelligence Called God – TT4T249

The divine Intelligence called God, is all that is actually present, and is seen in all that reflects good, Life, Truth, and Love. Okay – so we don’t see divine Intelligence in what appears as tragedy, or evil, or nature apparently out of control. Where we see it is in what is good, what works, the beauty of nature, the joy of Life, and the infinite abundance all around us. That is where we see divine Intelligence, and as we focus on this Truth, the more of it we see.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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