The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 7

Sunlight Of Divine Love – TT4T217

We live in the atmosphere and sunlight of divine Love. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could imagine each beam of sunlight as divine Love illuminating everything it touches. As we sit in the sun with our face upturned to its warmth, we would feel the love that Love has for us. We would really understand God’s grace as we notice that sunlight is impartial. And we would lose fear as we watched the sun dissolve the darkness.

Spiritual Consciousness And Understanding – TT4T216

Spiritual consciousness and understanding reveal spirit as the perfect, harmonious, eternal, and only substance of things. Spirit is the substance of all things? Think what that means. Nothing is as it appears. Well, nothing is as it appears when we look at it through our five senses. This is actually true, since the human brain doesn’t see what is really happening. So the only way to see what is really going on is to see it through a spiritual consciousness.

The True Substance Of Everything – TT4T215

The true substance of every person, place, or thing is the spiritual idea of which never leaves the safety of divine Mind. Isn’t safety something we all desire. It could be financial, physical, or emotional safety. Safety can be a hard quality to insure within the material world. However, when we remember that what appears to material is in actuality spiritual, and we are a spiritual idea, then safety becomes a given. If we begin with this premise, than safety is not something we desire, but what we have.

The Belief Of Dualism – TT4T214

Every step taken out of dualism reveals the harmonious practicality of the one divine Mind. Dualism is the underlying force of what we perceive of as a human world, or condition. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. What we are learning to do is step out of dualism. We do this by not reacting but responding. We choose to see the Oneness of everything, and let go of claiming our human identity; choosing instead, our true spiritual nature where dualism does not exist.

Imperfect Is Not The Way We Are – TT4T213

The way that imperfect people, places, and things appear is not the way that they are. Most of the time, don’t we look at almost everything as if it was imperfect? It’s just habit. Habits are great when they serve us. This one doesn’t. So let’s trade the imperfect habit for a new habit that serves everyone. This habit would be to look at everything as if was perfect. Then we would be like a sculptor, removing everything that isn’t perfect until the true nature of everything would stand revealed.

You Are Not Your Icon – TT4T212

No matter how their human icon may appear, every individual is in Reality the expression and reflection of infinite Mind. One day at the airport I noticed that everyone looked different. I know, this is obvious, but I really noticed it that day. Even though we were all present as our human icon, we were all completely different from each other. Even our icon could not hide the fact that we are individual and unique expressions. Of what? Humans? No. Of the Divine. Which means we are different and yet One. How cool is that!

No Debt Within Unconditional Love – TT4T211

There is no debt, or ceiling, within unlimited unconditional Love. There are so many hidden habits, and beliefs, that make us think that we, or someone else, can be in debt. However, since everything is God, how can God be in debt to Itself? Who would She owe? And why would God make a limit on expansion? We know from the symbol of the ever expanding universe that She doesn’t. This is logical right? That’s the beginning of understanding.

Good Is Omnipresent – TT4T210

Either Good is omnipresent, or It isn’t. It is. This is one of those black and white issues. There is no in-between since omnipresent means all present … everywhere present. So it’s our choice which side we stand on. All good, or not. And anyone paying any attention at all to the forces at work in the universe has to agree – good is the only power. Next time anything claims otherwise, begin here.

The Spiritual Idea Is Revealed – TT4T209

Interpreting everything of the standpoint of divine Mind, the spiritual idea is revealed and alone occupies consciousness. Instead of seeing people, places, and things from what they appear to be based on our five senses, we must learn how to see them as God sees them. AND, that begins with ourselves. How does infinite Love see the object of Its love? Each time we get a glimpses of what that means, we are one step closer to true freedom.

Prolific Substance Of Good – TT4T208

We are the Spiritual idea of divine Mind, emanating unending light and harmony, and living as the prolific substance of Good. Prolific is an interesting word. It means fruitful or highly productive. So when we say we are the prolific substance of Good, it must mean that we are fruitful and highly productive in our giving and receiving of good. Really, what else would we want to be prolific in? What if we recognized this as everyone’s experience, then we would be always expecting the unfolding of good in everyone and everything.

A Dangerous Resemblance – TT4T207

An improved belief is a dangerous resemblance because it begins from a material imperfect premise rather than perfect Spirit. It’s kinda weird to call something that is feeling good to us a “dangerous resemblance.” It’s not that we shouldn’t have a gazillion good and comfortable things happening for us, it’s just that we have to be obsessively vigilant about where they come from. Not to worry, that awareness will continue to improve as long as we are striving to begin everything from God.

Eternal Truth Never Knows A Problem – TT4T206

Only by identifying with eternal Truth that never knows a problem do we permanently dissolve a the appearance of a problem. The reason this works is because within the infinite intelligence we call God, there are no problems. That means instead of working to solve problems, or avoid problems, which takes time and effort, the easiest thing to do is identify ourselves correctly. Then to us – what we perceived as a problem will dissolve, in the same way light dissolves the darkness. To the Divine, it never happened.

The Principle of Perfection – TT4T205

The correct interpretation of ourselves and the universe can only be from the standpoint of the Principle of divine perfection. This is different than what we normally do isn’t it? We strive to get to perfection; the perfect home, body, life, income, companion, car etc. There are moments when this seems like a fun game, but mostly it’s not, and grows old quickly. No game can be fun forever. Starting from perfection, and releasing what is not perfect, isn’t a game, it is the art we call Life. Nothing to get tired of here!

The Loved of Love – TT4T204

As the idea of divine Mind and the loved of Love, I have nothing that I don’t need, and everything I do. If the meaning of these words became a part of us, wouldn’t our lives be different? We wouldn’t hoard anything at all. We wouldn’t hold on to anything. We would share everything without concern. We would live each day knowing it brought its own supply – to everyone, not just us. What a glorious freedom this would be. We can start now, trusting in the truth of the promise that we are loved.

Forgiveness And Letting Go – TT4T203

Forgiveness and letting go of guilt and resentment towards ourselves and others leaves us free to experience unconditional Love. If we were in prison, and the key was available to let ourselves out, wouldn’t we? Forgiveness is the key out of our self-imposed human prisons. Forgiveness of ourselves for things we have done. Forgiveness of others for hurting us or others. Sometimes we don’t take the key because we treasure guilt and resentment more. Let it go. Take the key.

The Dawn Of Awareness Is Unstoppable – TT4T202

As the progress of dawn is irresistible, inevitable, and unstoppable, so is the dawn of awareness of man’s true spiritual identity. I love that we are not required to become unstoppable; struggling through suffering and pain. Instead we can trust in the fact that what is unstoppable is the dawning of awareness of our true spiritual nature. Just as the sun removes the darkness, so the dawning of that awareness removes the need to suffer or have pain. It reveals that they have never existed.

Irresistible Law Of Good – TT4T201

Trust in the irresistible law of Good, that always puts us in the right place at the right time. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes we resist good. Perhaps we don’t feel as if we deserve it, or it would take away the stories we cherish that give us identity; especially when we can report that we suffered. It is time for all of to stop playing in that illusion. Good is irresistible. It is only in our human story that good doesn’t happen. Let’s give up that story and live irresistible Truth instead.

Good Is Accumulative – TT4T200

Have you ever been discouraged thinking of all the good you have done in your life with apparently little result? What if we knew and trusted that that good we have done has been accumulative? Wouldn’t we let go of the worry and just keeping doing good. The reward is in the doing. The outcome is much better than we can imagine. So, just keep doing good.

We Are Infinite Good Expressed – TT4T199

I like the fact that there is no place within us to retain or express anything but infinite good. This is in direct opposition to our human identity where we all have found ourselves not expressing good in more times and ways than we want to remember. As we self identify as the Idea of infinite good in action, that human version must dissolve. Thank God!

In Tune With The Rhythm Of God – TT4T198

Singing the song of the Principle of divine Love, our lives are in tune with the rhythm of God. I can’t think of anything more wonderful than to dance to the rhythm of God. To sing in tune with the song of harmony. I know that the trees, birds, and flowers already do. I know that when we sit quietly in nature we can feel the rhythm of the earth, the song of the heavens. We begin to discover that we are already dancing and singing as, and with, the divine. Heavenly!

Good Is The Principle of Being – TT4T197

Whatever appears bad exists in belief only because it is an illusion that good, the Principle of being, could ever be absent. We all know the belief that we hold about the world, reproduces itself as our lives. Not because we are creating it, but because our attention is directed by our beliefs. This means everything else essentially disappears to us. As we shift our beliefs, and shift them to unlimited good, good becomes more and more what we see and experience. This is a fact, try it.

The Promised Land Is The Correct Perception Of Mind – TT4T196

The actual experience of man is the Promised Land because it is within the correct perception of being. Everyone has their own version of the promised land. But, the majority of us would say it is a beautiful and entirely good place. However, there is that story that we were kicked out of it, because we succumbed to the temptation to know good and evil. Isn’t that the answer? Let’s stop being tempted. Then we will see we never left the promised land.

Love Is Our Ever-Present Income – TT4T195

Love flows freely without incurring debt, and is our ever-present income. Love loves because that is what it does, it doesn’t demand repayment, or incur debt. My mentor told me that she stopped having money issues when she realized no one could stop how much she loved. She understood that divine Love provides an ever-present income to the object of what it loves, which includes. and embraces, each one of us.

The Idea of God Progressively Appears – TT4T193

As the ego and personality progressively disappears, who we are, as the idea of God, progressively appears. Have you ever had an idea? Of course you have. How close is it to you? Isn’t it part of you? When it is the best idea ever, don’t you cherish it, love it, protect it? Doesn’t your idea then become your action into the world, the expression of yourself? Isn’t each new idea unique and yet completely loved. Yes? Yes!

Immutable Law Of God, Good – TT4T194

There is nothing too bad, or trouble too big, that can’t be made to yield to the immutable law of God, good. I always have to pause and think about what the word immutable means. The dictionary definition is: unchanging over time or unable to be changed. So immutable law is pretty powerful. What if that immutable law was a bad law. Thankfully the only immutable law is the law of God. Not the human version of it, the divine statement of fact; God is good.

Infinite Perfect Body Of God – TT4T192

We don’t live in, or as, a mortal human body. We are the infinite perfect body of God. Doesn’t this make you want to jump for joy. Forget about trying to make the perfect human body. We already have the perfect body. Instead of trying to fix it, heal it, make it better by doing things to it, we can do things with it. We can go to the gym to celebrate rather than fix. We can run with grace, dance with ease, and walk with awareness. Oh yes, much better!

Life Is Eternal and Omnipresent – TT4T191

Life is eternal and omnipresent, therefore it is only our beliefs which pass on and away. Life is eternal. Quantum physics tells us that all the energy that has been, will always be; it just takes on new shapes. Perhaps this is a symbol that can help us understand the spiritual idea of eternal life. When we say goodbye to loved ones, they are not gone to Life, just to us. They are “elsewhere,” where we too will someday reside.

Eternally Harmonious And Abundant – TT4T190

Our existence is created and governed by divine Mind which results in Life as eternally harmonious and abundant. Do we feel eternally abundant, eternally harmonious? Yes, once in awhile, but mostly not. The good news is, no matter what we think, or feel, it never changes the fact that we are always eternally abundant. As we claim this fact, and live this fact, we will experience the Truth of it in our everyday life.

The Eternal Oneness of Principle – TT4T189

As the sun and the sunlight are one, so is the eternal oneness of Principle and Its idea, man. When thinking of the sun and its rays we can understand their eternal oneness. They can’t be separated. We know the sun because of its visible action called rays. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the same understanding of our eternal oneness with God? Light needs an object to be seen. God is seen in Its ideas. It’s the same, except more permanent.

The Good We See – TT4T188

The only thing true about ourselves and others is the good we see; the rest is a lie about the omnipresence of God, good. It’s not just the good we see. It’s the good we experience. The good we share. The good we love. The good we see is just the beginning of our awareness of the fact that good is the underlying essence of the world. There can’t be good and evil because two opposites can not exist at the same place at the same time. So either evil is omnipresent or good is omnipresent. If we pay attention to the good we see, we know the answer.

God Expresses Itself As Us – TT4T187


God expresses Itself as us, but transfers no capacity to us. This might not sound good. We have no capacity? Think of it this way. Does the reflection in the mirror have any capacity to do anything on its own. Of course not. However, it does have all the capacity of the image it is reflecting. In the same way, we have every capacity of God. This is better than trying to have a human capacity which is limited. Instead we have unlimited capacity. Much better don’t you think?

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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