The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 5

Trust In The Allness Of Divine Love – TT4T155

Absolute trust in the allness of divine Love leads to a confident expectation of good. Most of us have trouble with trust. We also have problems with expecting good. Instead we expect things to go wrong, and we give in to the belief that too much good means bad is coming. If we really trusted that there is a Principle of Love, Good, that is the force that runs the universe, it would be foolish not to expect good at all times, in all ways. So, are we willing to trust, or not.

The Illusion of Misperception-TT4T154

Just as light removes the dark, Divine perception removes the illusion of human misperception and reveals omnipresent Divinity. Sometimes we forget that we don’t have to work at revealing Divinity. We don’t have to push, pull, suffer, groan, or beat on our human misperceptions in order to make them go away. Doing so just makes them more real doesn’t it? Instead, we can switch on the light of Truth. Then we won’t even be able to find our misperceptions, they will have vanished. What is revealed in that light is omnipresent Divinity.

In The Realm Of Spirit Absolute Good Is Going On-TT4T153

In the real realm of Spirit, there are no alternatives; there is only the expression and action of absolute good going on. Don’t you love that the real realm is Spirit? And in that realm there is only good. There are no choices between good and bad, because there is only good. Yes, we appear to live in a realm where there are opposites, but that realm is just a story. Not sure who wrote it, but it wasn’t good. Let the story go, and the real realm starts to become visible to us.

Yield To The Perception Of One-TT4T151

As we yield to the perception of Infinite Mind, we gain an enhanced sense and experience of all as One. Yield. We see signs that say “yield” everywhere. Those of us who merge onto freeways get pretty good at yielding to the flow of traffic. What if we were as good at yielding to the flow of infinite Mind. Instead of merging with the flow of cars, we would be merging with the flow of love and abundance. Imagine how that would feel!

Infinite Good Is Our Present Possibility-TT4T152

Infinite Good’s perspective of perfect being experienced is our present possibility. Infinite Good is our present possibility? Yes, but not as in, it may be possible, or if we are good enough. Nope, Good is always present. However, in order to see and experience it we need to put on the perspective glasses that Good wears, and see perfect being in everything, and everyone. Then what was invisible, becomes visible in everyday life.

Indivisible Principle Of Love In Action-TT4T150

Divine Mind has no boundary, territories, or favorites, but is the indivisible Principle of Love in action. Indivisible Principle of Love in action. Really? Not dualism in action. Not hate in action. Nope, only indivisible LOVE in action. The center and circumference of all that exists. The foundation of the visible and invisible universe. With that Truth in mind, do we ever have to wonder if we are personally loved. The answer is no.

Mind Does Not Experience The Material Illusion-TT4T149

Mind’s ideas do not know, or experience, the material illusion of birth, aging, decay, or death. Yahoo! Gotta love this! Since we are Mind’s ideas, than we are not experiencing all those material based ideas that limit and age us. So when someone says “It’s age related” we don’t have to nod our heads in agreement. We can say to ourselves, “Nope, I am Mind’s idea, and so are you.” However, be careful to whom you say that to out loud.

Divine Mind’s Love – TT4T148

Divine Mind’s love for all Its ideas is powerful, perpetual, permanent, and boundless. This is permanent Love, the one we can count on no matter what. It’s the kind of love we should expect to show up in our life, and the love we should expect ourselves to display. It’s true that we are learning how to love this way, but Divine Mind always loves this way. Anything less is not love. Really, its not.

A Perfect Outcome of Good – TT4T147

Complete trust placed in the One Spirit, is a guarantee of a perfect outcome of good for all. The word “guarantee” doesn’t carry as much weight with us as it used to. But, it does in Truth. It’s not jaded, or untrusting. It is Trust itself. We are guaranteed a perfect outcome for all, and as long as we aren’t trying to make it fit a predetermined picture, we will see it.

Infinite Indivisible Perfection – TT4T146

The only condition that we are ever in is the condition of divine infinite indivisible perfection. We really don’t truly understand these words: infinite, divine, indivisible, perfection. We probably understand the idea of condition. Which makes it exciting to think that if we understand the other words just a bit more each day, than the conditions we experience will continually get better. That is a cool idea!

Life Is The Evidence That God Is – TT4T145

Life is the evidence that God is. I can fully understand why people don’t believe in a God made in our likeness. I certainly don’t. What is hard for me to comprehend is those that don’t see how evident it is that there is an “Intelligence” that is the source of all that we know and see, all evidence. It’s okay, someday we will all know the Truth.

Spiritual Substance Of The Universe – TT4T144

God and Its idea is the indivisible and infinite spiritual substance of the universe. Indivisible. Meaning – unable to be divided or separated. It’s not surprising then how much effort is put into trying to make us feel separate – from each other, from the earth, from the Divine. The best way to overcome this is to know it can’t be done, and to not allow it within our thinking.

The One I is Infinite Good – TT4T143

The one I is infinite good, and does not know, and is not found, in the material illusion. To begin to understand this we have to think scientifically. There can’t be two opposites in the same place at the same time. Therefore, when we claim that there is only infinite good, we can’t also claim that infinite good can contain anything but good. We get to pick infinite good, or its opposite.

We Are The Representation of Life – TT4T142

We are the representation of Life, Soul, and Love. This is a good reminder that we are not the representatives of sorrow, guilt, anger, worry, or greed. Anytime we indulge in these states of mind, and points of view, we are not doing our job as the representation of Soul, Life, and Love. Let’s stop giving into the temptation to represent anything but Truth.

We Are The Light – TT4T141

Sometimes we think we are the window pane through which light shines. This is true if we begin with the human point of view. As we eliminate the human filter we clean the window. When we begin with the spiritual point of view about ourselves the window vanishes, and we know ourselves as the Light.

Love Never Abandons – TT4T140

Love never abandons. Love consistently and constantly supports and sustains. Love always fulfills Its promise. Although we may be tempted to apply this to how others love us, or how we love them, it would be more elegant and powerful if we started with ourselves. Since we are the action of Love, do we always keep our promises to ourselves? Are we consistent, and patient with ourselves. If not, we can begin now.

All That I Have Is Yours – TT4T139

God says, “All that I have is yours, all that I am, YOU are.” Can we possibly understand this? Everything we see, and all that we can’t see is ours. Everything that God is, we are. The human mind can’t comprehend the enormity of this. However, we can be thankful for what we do understand, and trust in what we don’t understand – yet – is also True.

As Spirit We Live Free – TT4T138

As Spirit being we are not bound by material laws. We live free in the higher law of Mind. Imagine living free of material laws. It’s almost like a fairy tale. I could have wrens, bluebirds, and hummingbirds following me around all day like Snow White. We could think of each other, and find ourselves having tea together in a foreign land. No material laws? Why not?

All We Need Is Ours Now – TT4T137

All we need is ours now as the reflection of the One Good that IS all. Since now is also yesterday, and tomorrow, then what we need has been, and always will be, present. It’s up to us to discover the difference between need and want, knowing that need doesn’t mean survival. It also requires us to see what is always present without the filter of lack.

God And Man Is One – TT4T136

The mind and body connection is one, and is the illusion; while God and man is One and is the fact. What, there is not a connection between mind and body? Yes, of course there is. They are one. But, they are one within the material point of view. Wouldn’t we rather have the connection of God and man in the spiritual. I know I would. Nothing to fix. Just be.

Grace Is All There Is – TT4T129

The presence of divine Love’s Grace, is all there is; there is no “other.” Nothing but Grace? Nothing I have to earn. Nothing you have to earn. Just Grace. Imagine that! Well, it’s hard for me to imagine, so I have to start small. What if the room I am standing in only contains Grace. Viewing the room, I can begin to image that to be True. I am grateful for all that surrounds me in this room. I am grateful for Grace. Now to try another room …

Heaven Is A Divine State Of Mind – TT4T135

Heaven is not a place to go, but is NOW as a state of mind. If Heaven is a place we go to, then wouldn’t we all just skip the in between and just go? We don’t because we know it’s not. Heaven is here on earth, present to everyone at all times. We’ve all experienced it once or twice. That’s the proof.

The Spiritual Universe Is Reality – TT4T134

The spiritual universe is Reality, is all good because it is the reflection of God, unconditional Love. his is the distinction we must make. We aren’t saying that what is misperceived as a material universe is all good. We are saying that the Spiritual universe is all good. Sticking with this Truth and spiritual Reality, our material beliefs dissolve, and good shines through.

Embodiment Of God – TT4T133

The body, embodiment, of God is Its thoughts and ideas – perfect, good, and eternal – and is what we call man. Maybe we should hang this in our bathroom, or paste it on every mirror. That way the next time we see what looks like our body in a mirror we can immediately shift to the memory that we are not our body, we are the embodiment of perfection. I admit, it’s a big shift, but isn’t that what we are here for?

The Law Of Spirit – TT4T132

The law of Spirit is harmony, bliss, abundance. Nothing can stop, suppress, or negate Its operation in every Life. I know the world tries hard to break the law of Spirit. Or at least sometimes it feels that way. But, the memory that nothing can break the law of Spirit, and that law is always beautiful, kind, generous, loving, perfection, harmony, bliss – well all good things – vanquishes everything unlike Itself. Nothing for us to do but stand and relax in this Truth.

Man Is The Activity of Life – TT4T131

Man is the activity of Life, the abundance of Love, the intelligence of Mind, and the beauty of Soul. This makes a good mantra for the day. Replace the word man with the word I and everything changes. For the whole day, we have to choose to identify ourselves this way. Let’s do it! Let’s practice this together, and then let us know what happens. Prove the power of Truth! Choose the activity of Life as your true spiritual identity!

The Law of Love – TT4T130

The law of love is operating under every circumstance, which we experience when we identify ourselves as the Idea of Love. A LAW of Love. Wow. Every circumstance. No matter what appears to be going on, the Law of Love is in charge. What do we have to do as we stand before this Law? Identify ourselves correctly. We have to say “I am the Idea of Love.” Don’t need to totally understand it yet, we just have to choose it.

Governed And Directed By Divine Mind – TT4T128

Governed and directed by divine Mind, we see and do according to the Principle of Love. What if we really were able to see and do according to the Principle of Love? What would we do and see differently? Would we be distracted by outside appearances? Good news! We are already governed by divine Mind. We just have to stop claiming we have a mind of our own. That’s not so hard to do is it?

We Are Forever Immune From Anything Unlike Good – TT4T127

As the spiritual Being of I AM, we are forever immune from anything unlike good. What if we all held to the fact that we are immune from anything unlike good. We would stop agreeing that specific situations promote contagion of anything other than good. We wouldn’t have conversations about disease, we wouldn’t watch or share items that promote catching something bad. The only thing that is contagious is good. We are immune to everything else. Period.

God’s Law of Perfection – TT4T126

God’s law of perfection and good is irreversible. When we remember good, whether from a moment ago, or a decade ago, and compare it to now and think that we don’t have good now as we did then, it can’t be true. Good comes, it is, it stays. Perhaps good has changed its current packaging so we can see it anew. It’s not hiding. It hasn’t left. It’s irreversible. Look for it.

Good Is Consistently Present – TT4T125

Good is not limited, localized, or personal. Good is infinitely and consistently present for everyone without qualifications. We don’t have to qualify to be on God’s list to be loved or to receive good. We are loved because we are the ideas of God in action. We experience this more and more as we let go of trying to be worthy, and know that we are. Then our action to others is always based on an out pouring of Love and the joy of doing good.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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