The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 4

Infinite Qualities Of God – TT4T124

As God’s thoughts we are spirit being seen as freedom, health, love, joy, happiness, and abundance. We are all the infinite qualities of God. Why don’t we always feel free, happy, healthy, joyful, and wealthy? Perhaps we haven’t learned what those qualities really are and how to see them correctly. Perhaps we are seeing them through a human filter. What if we took away that filter and experienced what they really are. We know what would happen! Let’s do it! It’s could be as easy as taking off our glasses.

God’s Thoughts Are Perfect And Eternal – TT4T123

God’s thoughts are perfect and eternal, and we are those thoughts. Here are key two points to ponder. One:God’s thoughts are perfect and eternal. Who can argue with that? Two: We are God’s thoughts. We know this to be True once we get over ourselves. That means, we are perfect and eternal. Just because we don’t fully understand this, doesn’t mean it’s not True. It is.

Our Unlimited Source Of Income – TT4T122

Divine Spirit is our unlimited source of supply. Haven’t we all dreamed of always having more than enough. Don’t we wish that when we need money it is already in our checkbook? And don’t we want it to be unlimited, without the ups and downs of the material version. We dream of it, because we know it is True. Let’s stop wishing, and know that unlimited supply is a fact. Now we can share without worry that there isn’t enough.

We Dwell In Perfect Satisfaction – TT4T121

We dwell in perfect satisfaction, within the Reality of being. Is it possible to have perfect satisfaction? Some people worry that heaven might not be fun. Wouldn’t that make it not heaven? The Reality of being has got to be perfect in all ways. To get there don’t we have to start by being perfectly satisfied that heaven, Reality, is present now as a state of mind?

Unconditional and Boundless Love – TT4T120

Every detail of life is governed by the Principle of unconditional and boundless Love. We can imagine that the big things in Life are governed by a Principle of boundless Love. But, the small ones? What about things like, does our car start, does our computer work, did the dishes get done. Are these little details also governed by the Principle of boundless Love? Yes. If we stop thinking they are a material event.

The Lie Of Poverty – TT4T119

we live in the unending abundance of God, where the lie of poverty is not known. Could we ever find ourselves living someplace other than in unending abundance? Not when God is omnipresent. Isn’t it a wonderful truth that poverty is a lie! All the kinds of poverty (money, love, time) are a lie trying to keep us from seeing and experience what is always present, unending abundance. There is nothing good, or Godly, about poverty. That is old training. We can let go of it now.

Reflection Of The Infinite Mind – TT4T118

As the reflection and idea of infinite Mind, we can say “All that I need, I Am.” Interesting that it says all that I need – I Am, not I have. So much more powerful. Instead of looking for what we have, we become aware of what we are. It reminds me of a seed. The seed has what it needs because it is a seed. Perhaps we could see ourselves as seeds planted by the hand of God.

Abundance Is The Nature Of God – TT4T117

Abundance is the nature of God and therefore our present reality. Think of a rose. Is it possible to take its essence away? No matter what happens, it remains a rose, or a tree, or bird, or us – so most definitely it is the same for God. And the essence of the spiritual One that is unconditional Love, must be, and is, abundance. Abundance in all its forms, and for all equally.

Doing Our Perfect Work – TT4T116

In the kingdom of God, which is here and now, we are always in our perfect place, doing our perfect work. It is wonderful when we experience for ourselves heaven on earth,when we feel the perfection of an unconditional Love caring for every detail of Its creation. In those moments we know without doubt that we are in our perfect place, doing our perfect work. May those moments come more often-until that is all there is.

Forever At The Point Of Completeness – TT4T115

As the idea of God, we are forever at the point of completeness. This is completely different than the idea that we have to get somewhere, and be somebody. It’s different than trying to find completeness. Imagine not needing to strive to be; instead relaxing into the understanding of the Divine, and just be, already there and already complete, always at the point of perfection.

Spiritual Perception Is A Retreat From Material Illusion – TT4T114

Spiritual perception is a retreat from the material illusion into harmony, calm, and glorious freedom. Order this Truth 4 Today Print
We all dream of going on a relaxing and beautiful retreat. Maybe an island, a forest, a cruise, or a new country. A get away from cares and struggles. A chance to experience life in a different way. Here’s a promise – when we choose, and live from, spiritual perception we will find all the qualities of a retreat present in our daily life. Shall we go?

Time Is The Unfolding Of Beauty And Wisdom – TT4T113

Life is eternal, so what appears as time is the unfolding of beauty, wisdom, and grace. Time is always now because there is no time. We are the ones that think things happen in the past, or the future. Instead time is always unfolding. As we recognize this we become progressively aware of the infinite and present abundance of eternal Life, always unfolding in the same way a rose unfolds. The difference is, this unfolding is eternally now as Life consistently reveals to us what has always been present.

Revealing Eternal Beauty – TT4T112

The presence of the Divine shines through the material illusion revealing the eternal beauty of all Its ideas. Outside my window I see a ray of light peeking through the gray snow clouds. It’s a perfect reminder that sometimes cloudy, or foggy, thoughts can tempt us to believe that Love isn’t present. But just as the sun is always present, so is Love. Trusting in Its presence will break through anything claiming otherwise. Eternal beauty is the essence of the Divine.

The Indivisible Good Of God – TT4T111

As we relinquish the belief we are human the indivisible good of God becomes evident. I think I am happy to stop thinking of myself as human. That is until I notice all beliefs I treasure that are based on being human. Usually it’s easier to give them up when they make me uncomfortable – like getting old, the power of food, being too hot or too cold. I will try to let go faster of the belief of human. I don’t like uncomfortable.

We Are The Direct Recipient Of Infinite Provision – TT4T110

We are the direct recipients of infinite Love’s provision. We are the direct recipient! This means that our provision doesn’t come through any kind of middle man. The more we recognize this, the more our provision will not be tied to a paycheck or a handout. It means we have a direct line to the infinite. We don’t have to ask an operator for the number. Love is always calling! We just have to answer the call.

Perfect Right Thoughts – TT4T109

Perfect right thoughts coming from divine Mind, constituent all that is present as person, place, thing, or circumstance. Here’s the key point: perfect right thoughts come from divine Mind. Thoughts from the human mind … well, not so perfect. We are learning to give up our human thoughts for divine Mind’s thoughts. Each time we do, we are gifted with the awareness of the presence of God only. Quite a gift!

We Are The Reflection Of Divine Good – TT4T108

As the reflection of Divine Good, we can only be the qualities and action of good. This is sometimes hard to believe. We know we don’t always do good. If we believe that we have to become good, it’s a hard road to slog. However, if we begin with the understanding that we already are the action of good, it’s easier. We just have to let go of beliefs about ourselves that don’t match the quality of good. Easy right?

We Are The Thoughts Of God – TT4T107

We are the thoughts of God, thoughts of Love, perfection, harmony, joy and boundless provision. I love this idea – we are the thoughts of God – and they are of goodness and joy and love. What a relief to know that God’s thoughts fill all time and space. That God’s thoughts are the foundation of everything. That perfection is where it all begins. Could we get any closer to God than Its thoughts? We know how close our thoughts are to us. It’s the same.

Goodness Is The Activity And Outcome – TT4T106

Goodness is the activity, expression, and outcome of Omnipresent God, infinite and indivisible Mind. It’s so easy to forget that goodness is all that is happening; especially when something “not good” appears to be going on.​However, omnipresent means all-present, as in nothing else present. And since we all agree that God is good, then when good appears absent, it can’t be true. It is a misconception of what is really going on – only goodness. When we make that our premise and intent, and stick with it, everything has to shift and the illusion of the absence of goodness must dissolve.

Divine Love Dissolves Illusion – TT4T105

All illusions suggesting the absence of Divine Love are dissolved by Its spiritual force. I like the idea that divine Love is a spiritual force. I love knowing that anything suggesting that Love is not always present no matter who, or where we are, is an illusion. I can imagine a great and mighty force of Love sweeping into every situation and removing anything unlike itself, leaving us filled with Its presence.

Infinite, Indivisible, And All-Inclusive Love – TT4T104

There is only One Mind, infinite, indivisible, operating from the Principle of all-inclusive Love. All-inclusive, means all-inclusive. Not just some people, some of the time. Not just us when we are good, but all the time, in all ways. You would think we would be better at loving, given the Love that Love feels for us. What Love sees is the Truth of each person, and only that. We could do that too don’t you think?

Harmony Is The True Reality – TT4T103

Harmony is the true Reality of our being. Some people love the drama of things not in harmony. Better, that we become so attracted to the constant experience of perfect harmony, that we immediately recognize anything that is not harmonious and dismiss it with ease. Why? Because we no longer desire that kind of drama. Perhaps over time, we won’t desire anything that we currently call drama, because we have let go of all human ideas.

The Infinite Intelligence Of Love – TT4T102

The infinite intelligence of Love governs every moment of our lives in perfect harmony, freedom and provision. Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t take care of every second of our lives, let alone the infinite number of other life forms on this planet. And then there is the infinite galaxies to take care of. It’s good to actually see the futility of it isn’t it? That way we can turn from thinking we are in charge and trust that infinite intelligence is handling it.

Divine Love Is the Only Communicator – TT4T101

Divine Love is the only communicator, and Its communication is us. Isn’t this cool, and also hard to grasp, WE are the communication of God. I think it’s easier to understand when we think of other people and how their presence brings the qualities of God to us. We do the same for others. This will be clearer to all of us as we become more skilled at letting go of anything that is not of God.

The I AM Expressed – TT4T100

God is the one I AM, and man is Its idea and image, so what we call we or us is just one, the I AM expressed. We are the image and likeness of God, not the other way around. I think this is easier to comprehend when we think of a quality word that defines God. Like Love. Not human, emotional love. Love. The substance of being, the force that sustains us, the essence of everything. We are Love. When we are loving we are the I AM expressed. Simple!

The Constant Expectation Of Good – TT4T99

Trusting in God, we live in the constant expectation of unfolding good. Too many of us believe that if something good happens, something bad will happen to balance it out. We play the “what if” game of worry. Let’s shift that story now. Let’s live in the expectation of good. Let’s dissolve the worry game forever; for ourselves and for our children. If we live in the constant expectation of good, we know that is what we will see. Let’s start today.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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