The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 12

Unfolding Possibilities – TT4T365

The dissolving of the old reveals the deep harmony of unfolding possibilities, and the infinite coordination of divine ideas. The deep harmony of unfolding possibilities. What a promise. All that is required is to let go of habits of thinking, ideas that don’t serve us, resentments that keep us in prison, and fear that holds us hostage. When we begin the process by first claiming our true spiritual identity, then we are just dropping what isn’t real. See, it is not as hard to do as we thought.

The One Thinker – TT4T364

Divine Mind is the one Thinker. Its perfect thoughts and ideas are the spiritual fact of all people, places, and things. Yesterday we talked about eternal facts, and today the spiritual fact. Goes together! The only way something can be eternal is if it is spiritual. Therefore, we could say spiritually eternal facts are the Truth about everything that exists. That includes us, even though we often think of ourselves as observers. What we are observing is the belief of materiality. Doesn’t the fact that we can observe it prove we are not within it?

Eternal Facts – TT4T363

Divine ideas are not just ideas, but eternal facts, infinite and eternally present. Those of us old enough, remember Joe Friday in Dragnet saying, “All we want are the facts, ma’am.” We are saying, “All we want are the eternal facts, ma’am” because we know that if we have those, we can transcend what appears as a material condition. We will see ourselves and others as we truly are, spiritual, not material. That is the fact.

Our Daily Needs – TT4T362

The experience of our wealth is not a process of accumulation but of unfoldment which always meets our needs. This is a different way to view wealth. What if everyone understood that wealth is a process of unfoldment and that what we need is always present. The world would be a different place, wouldn’t it? We may doubt that our needs are not always met, but that doubt is what keeps us from seeing wealth’s continuous unfoldment. We might also miss it because we think it looks a certain way. Let’s let go of both.

Remains Eternally – TT4T361

All that we have, experience, and perceive, may change in appearance and place, but the Divine Idea remains eternally. This is something philosophers, prophets, and scientists have known for many centuries. What is, remains eternally, although in changed forms as what appears a time goes by. That’s the material explanation of the world. How much more true would this be in as a spiritual explanation of the world? The Divine Idea exists eternally, and all that exists is a Divine Idea. That’s how it is, eternally.

Melt The Illusion – TT4T360

Our intent is not to change the material world, but to melt the illusion and allow spiritual substance to emerge more clearly. Too often, we spend time fighting or fixing people that do things differently, or think differently, then we do. You’d think we would have learned by now that fighting and fixing doesn’t work. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we are all trained on melting the illusion instead of fighting and fixing? What if media reported on the latest melting rather than the latest bad news. Imagine that!

The Term Principle – TT4T359

The term Principle fully covers the idea and substance of infinite Life, Truth, and Love known as God. Although the word principle is remarkable, in this instance, it only makes sense if it is capitalized. Then it is a word that is interchangeable with other words for God, like Love, Truth, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. However, Principle remains one of my favorite words to describe God. It’s something I can count on. I might not understand it, any more than I understand the principle of Math, but I know Principle is something we can trust completely.

Supplied By Divine Mind – TT4T358

All that we desire, want, and need can only be supplied by the divine Mind, which does so consistently and unconditionally. We are always supplied with what we need. It looks as if that supply comes through people, places, and things, but in Reality it comes directly from divine Love, infinite Mind. As our understanding increases, the need for supply to come through channels will disperse. What will not go away however, is the reciprocal exchange between all things as we express and share our individuality and gifts.

Changes In Thought – TT4T357

All changes take place in thought, not phenomena. Everyone experiences changes.It’s what we do with them that makes a difference. Knowing that changes are a part of an ever-expanding universe doesn’t always help with a change that comes about that we don’t like. It can be a company changing their policies, a relationship changing its status, an accident, a reward, success, or a failure. All these changes require us to know where they began in order to thrive with them or to choose differently.

Individuality And Eternal Being – TT4T356

The Science of Soul reveals our perpetual individuality and eternal being. Individuality is not something we have to create or make happen. It simply is! All we are required to do is live it, express it, share it, and trust it. That’s not too much to ask given that individuality is a gift given to everything that exists. Think what that means! It means there is a creative Intelligence behind it all. Our part is easy; we just have to let go and be!

No Opposite To All-Good – TT4T355

There can be no opposite to the All-Good that fills all space, because there is no room in eternal harmony for anything else. Isn’t it weird how often we have to remind ourselves of this concept? Isn’t it even stranger how little the world pays attention to it even though almost every religion says that God is omnipresent – fills all space. And if asked, most people would say God is Love. Isn’t Love good? So what’s up with forgetting that All-Good is all there is? Got to be a dream. Let’s wake up from it!

Substance of Soul – TT4T354

The ideas, expressions, and substance of Soul, are what we call people, places, and things. Everything is the substance of Soul? Yep. It’s true substance anyway. It’s definitely a perception shift to stop thinking of everything as bones, blood, bark, wings, even energy, and begin to glimpse the underlying substance of all that exists, which is the outcome of an infinite intelligence. That intelligence has many names, and one of them is Soul.

Principle of Perfection – TT4T353

Reasoning from the standpoint of divine Principle of perfection, we exercise dominion over our thinking. The Bible tells us we have dominion. It has been misinterpreted, with terrible consequences. The word was meant to signify “to take care of.” Same way with our thinking. Not dominion as in will power over our thinking, but attention to and taking care of where we place our values. It is choosing the right principle to base our lives upon. Choosing divine Perfection, dominion takes on the right meaning.

The Light of Truth – TT4T352

The marvelous light of Truth extinguishes forever the duality of darkness. Doesn’t this beg the question, what is the light of Truth? Let’s begin with Truth. Truth is another name for the intelligent force that runs the universe(s). It is wholly good. It is represented by light. Next, we know that we are the expression, the idea of Truth, and so we too are light. We are the light of Truth made visible, dissolving the illusion of duality.

Divine Mind’s Perception – TT4T351

Every experience is transformed when viewed from the perception of divine Mind’s unconditional Love. Every experience? Even the bad ones? Yes, especially the bad ones. Because viewed through the perception that we are unconditionally loved we will be relieved of the experience being bad, and the effects of a bad experience. Not saying that bad experiences are good. However, when viewed through the eyes of Love we might be blessed with an awareness that the real us never went through it, and we will feel the safety of Love.

Reality And Truth – TT4T350

Every effect is a mental phenomenon; our choice is either the illusion of the human mind, or the Reality and Truth of the one Mind. This is such a clear choice. I wonder why don’t we make the obvious right one more often. We know, without a doubt, that every effect is preceded by which mind we are thinking with. Why bother with the human illusion? I suppose it is because it feels so much more accessible. It’s hard to step away from the world’s view. But, we can. And we will.

God Does The Work – TT4T349

As we let go of human will, judgement, and planning, we experience more of the Truth that God does the work. Letting go of human will is not easy for anyone. For most of us, we begin after we discover that we really can’t make anything happen. Even then, it can be hard to trust that everything will be okay if we just let go because the force that we are letting go to isn’t visible to human senses. We can only see its effect, like the wind. Watch, you’ll see.

Only One Source – TT4T348

There is only one source of action and supply. It is the undivided and underived Principle of the universe that we call God. There’s that word – God. Even after all we know, sometimes that word brings back memories of being taught of the God that both punishes and loves. The man in the sky God. That’s not the God that is the underlying Principle of the universe. This God is impartial, unbiased, and impersonal. The impersonal nature of God is what makes It undivided and underived, and much more personal than the man in the sky, because it only Loves.

Principle Of Love – TT4T347

Every effect has its origin in desire and thought, making it imperative to reflect only on the Principle of Love. I love how clean this is: every effect has its origin in desire and thought. However, I think it can be dangerous if we believe that our thoughts and desires create something. Instead, they filter. We aren’t creating; we are filtering. So, if we begin with the Principle of Love, what gets filtered out is what isn’t love, and leaves what is.

Be Willing To Receive – TT4T346

Give no thought to visible supply. Look instead at the limitlessness of infinite substance, Expect, and be willing, to receive. This is it! This is the big secret to almost everything. We have to be willing to – receive, act, be who we really are, speak to people we want to meet, write the book, draw the picture, make peace with ourselves, forgive .. everything! And since we always want to begin with the correct premise, we have to be willing to acknowledge that the infinite is all-good.

The Natural Fulfillment – TT4T345

What we perceive of as miracles, are the natural fulfillment of divine law. How many times have we prayed, asked for, waited for, a miracle? Not a bad thing really. But, when we ask for a miracle expecting God to break Its own laws, we have begun from the wrong premise, and it is not a miracle that has happened, but a shift of human perception. Miracles are Divine law. When we begin with that premise, we are in the miracle stream, and that is what we desire above all else.

Divine Bliss – TT4T344

The consciousness of Spirit called us, contains perfect peace, freedom, harmony, and divine bliss. We don’t need to go searching for peace, freedom, harmony, and divine bliss outside of ourselves, we find it by going within and listening. Here’s an example. What if you created a piece of music that had all those qualities. But, the music thought it could think, and forgot that it already was perfect. Not too weird of a comparison is it?

Spiritual Individuality Is Immortal – TT4T343

Our Spiritual individuality is immortal. If we pay attention to everything in the universe, we are aware that there are no two things exactly alike. Every baby comes prepackaged as themselves. Although the worldview impacts that child’s behavior, it does not change its individuality. It points to the truth of our spiritual individuality. Weave that all together and we have one Life expressed.

Human Mind Dissolving – TT4T342

Truth is never imprisoned within the limited human mind, but is glimpsed in proportion of the human mind’s dissolving. Isn’t this comforting? Even though we do have to understand the workings of the human mind, we aren’t within the human mind. Just as I have to understand the programs I use to draw these pictures, write these words, and design this website, but I am not within them. This becomes clearer and clearer as we understand Truth.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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