The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 11

Transcends The Dream – TT4T341

The attitude of thought and perception as one Mind, transcends the dream and illusion of duality. Staying above the idea of materiality and the human game transcends the human game of duality and separation. Transcends means to rise above or go beyond … oh yes, isn’t that what we want to do? Go beyond duality. Go beyond separation. Actually, in this case when we transcend the human we return to what is true. Oneness.

Spiritual Innocence – TT4T340

Spiritual innocence is a spiritual fact. Spiritual innocence is a spiritual fact. The trick is letting that fact dissolve the belief that we are born in sin. Perhaps that belief is referring to being human, where we don’t have the right to claim innocence, when we do despicable things to ourselves, others, and our planet. To live in our spiritual innocence we have to first be in integrity with it. That’s the beginning.

Dissolving Of Human Conditions -TT4T339

The dissolving of human conditions, concepts, and beliefs in the light of spiritual understanding is both painless and immediate. Anytime we shift to a spiritual perception, a broader and deeper awareness of the infinite’s omnipresent good; a resulting shift takes place in what we perceive as an outward world. It is immediate and painless. Ha, you say. I don’t see that happening. I know. We don’t. Because we don’t yet truly understand immediate and painless. When we do, we’ll see that it is.

No Boundary of Time – TT4T338

No boundary of time can separate us from the infinite and the eternal heaven of the Divine’s presence. How often do we consider the boundary of time? Yet, it is constant in the human matrix. As I prepare this, I am watching the clock. I have given myself a time frame in which it must be done. However, even in the middle of this self-imposed boundary of time, I can stop and breathe. I can remind myself that nothing can separate me from the Divine’s presence.

Dissolve the Illusion – TT4T337

Let the light that we are dissolve the illusion of what we are not. Sometimes we think that it takes work to dissolve the illusion of the things we don’t like about ourselves. Well, first we have to recognize that anything less than spiritual perfection is an illusion, but after that what do we do? Let our light dissolve it. That means there isn’t any other work involved other than letting our light shine.

Framework of Human Beliefs – TT4T336

Knowing the Truth, we are freed from the framework of human beliefs. We don’t always stop and think about the fact that we live within a framework of human beliefs. But, we do. It takes vision, imagination, and courage to look outside of what everyone else thinks is true to discover a world far beyond our 3-D version of Life. But, every bit of progress we have made is a result of someone doing just that. Why not us?

Framework of Perception – TT4T335

Our framework of perception is always that the divine Principle of the universe is the infinite goodness of Life and Love. During the day we could ask ourselves,”What’s your framework of perception right now?” The answer would give us immediate feedback about what we are experiencing. Our next step would be to adjust our framework of perception to match what we really want to experience. Everyone wants more good in their life, even if sometimes they don’t know it. But, we do.

Infinite Love Loving – TT4T334

The awareness that all Life is the outcome of infinite Love Loving Itself becomes our guiding star. What if everyone used the guiding star of Love Loving? What if we did? How many things would we do differently? Would there be religious wars? Would there be war at all? No and no, because where could hate, jealousy, or fear reside? There would be no room for it. It starts with each of us, each moment, and each interaction with another. Love Loving.

God Is All-In-All – TT4T333

In proportion to our awakening to the perception that God is All-In-All, we lose the knowledge of anything unlike good. God Is. Probably this is all that needs to be said. Since God Is, what else could there be? However, we are all in the process of learning what God Is. The more we understand the All-In-All part of God Is, the less we experience of everything that God is not. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Choose Spirit’s Perception – TT4T332

Perception produced through the senses makes us prisoners of materiality. We escape by choosing Spirit’s perception. None of us like to be hemmed in or told what to do. Many of us rebel at authority – sometimes even the good kind. So how come we don’t do more rebelling against the false authority of the material senses? Materiality is an illusion. Seen through a spiritual perception we see the illusion and it sets us free. Let’s rebel more today and even more tomorrow!

Spiritual Phenomena of Infinite Mind – TT4T331

Man and the universe are the spiritual phenomena of the infinite Mind, the harmonious center and circumference of All. Phenomena is something that appears that is considered out of the ordinary, like an eclipse of the moon. So if we add the word spiritual (can’t be measured, infinite, etc. in Reality ) to the word phenomena then everything, in Reality, the infinite appearing. It is only our misperception that sees it as something material.

Consciousness Of Spirit – TT4T330

The consciousness of Spirit, called us, contains perfect peace, freedom, harmony, and divine bliss. Isn’t this asking us to be conscious of the fact we are the consciousness of Spirit? It makes my head spin. If I have any hope of understanding this I can’t be thinking with the human brain. It can barely understand how a toaster works. It’s only when we enter that quiet space within that this becomes not only understandable but understood.

Become Conscious Of Love – TT4T329

Become conscious that there is nothing outside of Love’s allness and freedom is seen as the law of Being. Oh yes, isn’t this the problem. We are not conscious. And that’s talking about daily life. We do things all day that we have no conscious thought to what we are doing. Imagine how unconscious we are to the infinite workings and care of divine Love. Even if it is just for one moment, let’s stop, and become conscious and experience freedom.

Gratitude For The Perfect Of The Divine – TT4T328

Gratitude for the perfection of the infinite dissolves the material illusion bringing a fuller understanding of the Divine. One morning I woke up feeling out of sorts, not really sure what to do with myself. As I lay there trying to find some peace, I heard a little voice tell me I needed to feel some gratitude. As I did, I was once again swept up into the awareness of ALL that exists in the world that is ours to enjoy freely. Who wouldn’t feel gratitude for that! Only the self-indulgent.

Eternal Stillness – TT4T327

Patience and compassion are the powerful expressions of the Divine’s eternal stillness and immovable love. Eternal stillness isn’t the same as stuck, or unmoving. It is the quiet of all things continually expanding and expressing. We sit in the stillness of meditation to have a taste of what that means, and when we do so, sometimes we are rewarded with an experience of the eternal stillness filled with patience, compassion, and life.

The Only Accurate View – TT4T325

The only accurate view of the universe is when it is seen through the lens of infinite Mind and divine Love. Within the human matrix, we do not have an accurate view of the universe. This is good news to me. I am delighted that what I see is not really going on. Even more delighted when I realize that what is really going on is an outcome of an infinite intelligent force called Love. Things are way better than they look, even when they look great!

Infinite Mind Knowing Itself – TT4T324

We live in a universe of consciousness, and that consciousness is infinite Mind knowing Itself, and we call that knowing, us. We are divine Mind knowing Itself. If we put this in a context of something we have created – art, writing, dance, music, garden, business, home – doesn’t someone looking at it know that it contains an essence of you? Doesn’t it feel as if you have made visible something that is innate within your being? In the same way, but more, we are the known of the One Creator, infinite intelligent Mind.

Imperative And Irresistible – TT4T323

The impulsion of thought that rests upon divine Principle is the imperative and irresistible message of Love. Finally something we don’t have to resist; Love, based on divine Principle. We couldn’t even if we tried, because it is irresistible. This love has to be expressed, can’t be stopped, and is ever in operation. Next time we feel the need to resist an idea, let’s check and see where it begins. If from the human drive of need, we can resist. If it is a spiritual impulsion of Love, resistance is futile. Thank God!

Infinite Love And Illusion – TT4T322

Within the consciousness of divine Mind and infinite Love, the conflict and illusion of any person as a ruler, or ruled, is dissolved. In the midst of immense political upheaval all over the world, while wars are fought to be ruler, this comes as a great relief. There are no rulers, and therefore no ruled except in the human illusion of power. Like a protected cave, filled with light, the consciousness of Love beckons us to enter. And there we find that what we thought was true is not, unless it radiates good for all.

Yearn For More – TT4T321

We could never yearn for more or better, if everything’s true substance was not already present within consciousness. I love the definition of the word yearn, “to have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.” Yes, we long for what we feel we have been separated from. Which makes it even more glorious when we realize that we have never been lost or separated from anything, that what we yearn for is ours now, already present.

Infinite Resources Of Soul -TT4T320

The Principle of good states our oneness with the Divine, which gives us immediate access to the infinite resources of Soul. It’s hard to understand the concept of infinite resources, although we can certainly imagine it. We can imagine the well that never runs dry, the manna that falls from heaven, money from a fishes’ mouth. Let’s increase our understanding of what that means to us. Let’s imagine, and really feel what it would be like to have infinite resources, because we do.

Freedom’s Divine Impulsion – TT4T319

Freedom’s divine impulsion dissolves the misperceptions that imprisons us, and reveals Its present spiritual reality. Have you ever seen a flower come up between a tiny crack in the sidewalk? Or tree roots break apart concrete? Two examples of impulsion. The impulsion to grow, to be what they are intended to be no matter what the barrier. That impulsion to freedom is within us. We too can find the place open for us to grow, or break apart what is hindering our growth. Let’s not fight it. Let’s embrace it.

Spiritual, Perfect, Eternal – TT4T318

The fact is that Mind and Its idea are one, never a person, place, or thing, but always spiritual, perfect, and eternal. Doesn’t this answer explain why we can never have a need for something? Everything is already part of our spiritual DNA. A desire might be seen as an acknowledgement of what we already have, and a yearning to experience that knowledge more deeply. If we begin with perfect, eternal, One now, it will be easier for us to see what we seek. We will see its present existence in a form we can understand.

Light Shines Equally – TT4T317

Light shines on all equally and consistently, unaware of the dark, yet effortlessly dissolves it by Its presence. Light shines equally and consistently. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be more like that in our actions. Judgement, of ourselves and others, would be a thing of the past. It’s like that song “This little light of mine, let it shine, let it shine.” Exactly. The more we let our light shine the more darkness, in all its forms, is eliminated. Come along, sing with me.. “This little light…”

Choose Increased Harmony – TT4T316

We experience increased harmony in our lives, as we choose the standpoint of our divine nature, the essence of Love. Freedom of choice. We have less of this than we know. We choose within boxes built for, and by, us. But, there is one choice that we have complete control over. It’s the choice to begin all our thinking from the standpoint of our divine nature. Not just our divine nature. The divine nature of all things. This we can choose. And when we do so, we glimpse the fact that our divine Nature is the essence of Love.

What Appears As Progress – TT4T315

What appears as progress is the present perfection of the Infinite becoming more visible as our misperceptions dissolve. Progress reminds me of traveling. When we drove around the USA for a year we made progress from one point to the next. We didn’t always make progress finding what we were looking for though. However, if we look at progress from the standpoint that everything we do that moves us towards understanding and acting from Love is perfection becoming visible, progress is both a trip and a fulfillment.

What Is True – TT4T314

When we ask “what is True” from the standpoint of divine Principle, then our thinking is structured on Truth and Love. What is true humanly, is not necessarily true Spiritually. However, it is often a guidepost, or symbol to what is True. Not towards someplace we have never been, but back to where we began. Like bread crumbs to find our way home. When we ask “what is True” with that in mind, we will find ourselves closer to that open front door.

How We Know God – TT4T313

We know God the same way we know wind, by observing Its presence through Its effect on the world. I love this analogy. It occurred to me one day while sitting outside watching the wind move the trees. I couldn’t see the wind, but I could see its effect. In the same way, I can know God. I can see the beauty, love, grace, order around me and how it affects my life, and other lives. Something made these symbols of Life, something guides and moves us all. We see Its effect, and we call it God.

Divine Love Is What We Are – TT4T312

Divine Love is what we are being, and in proportion that we are conscious of, and live from the fact, the rest fades away. How often are we conscious of the fact that we are being the expression and action of Divine Love. I am guessing that it is not often. However, Divine Love fills all the moments of our life, all the space in our head, all our conversations, all our thoughts, all our actions. We don’t have to make this happen, we just become increasingly more conscious of it.

There Is Only The Now – TT4T311

There is no future to get, no past to forget, there is only the now of omnipresent God. Be in the now. We have all heard it. We have all reminded ourselves to do it. Be in the now. Exactly what is the now? It’s impossible to comprehend with the human mind that believes in a past and future. We have to step out of human based thinking and step into imagination where it is easier to see that the moment is all there is, and yet it encompasses infinity. Another way is to be grateful for what is present. That’s the now in action.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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