The Truth 4 Today

TT4T Series 10

I Am All – TT4T310

All that is ever really true about every situation is the law of God, as in “I Am All.” We all know this phrase don’t we, “I am All in All.” I think we could ponder this phrase our entire lifetime and never fully figure it out, or understand it completely. I am all. Who is the I? What is the all? The only “thing” that could be all in all is not a human version of God. It really can’t even be an quantum physics version of God. It’s beyond that. However, even though we don’t fully understand, we do know it’s true. And that is the beginning.

Light Dissolves Darkness – TT4T309

As the presence of light dissolve darkness, but doesn’t heal it, so the presence of divine Love dissolves sin and sickness. When we don’t feel well, or things aren’t going well, we want immediate relief. Usually we resort to something that fixes the problem. But, what we really desire is to feel that influx of divine Love that dissolves it then and there, never to return. It happens. And when it does, we know, for ourselves, that it is true, light dissolves darkness, and Love dissolves everything unlike itself.

Spiritual Facts Of Being – TT4T308

Can our human brain really understand spiritual facts? I don’t think so. Matter trying to understand spirit. Hum, don’t think that works. When spiritual facts begin to seep in, and make sense, it is because we have let go of the human brain. Sidestepped it. Fooled it. Quieted it. Meditated away from it. As spiritual facts become real to us, the human brain loses more and more of its hold. This is a good thing!

True Happiness – TT4T307

True happiness lies in the relinquishment or personal ego and the consciousness of the Reality of the one divine Mind. True happiness can’t be the fleeting kind that flashes in and then fades into the background of a daily life. It can’t be a happiness that has an opposite. It has to be the kind that thrums within at all times, flows with the rhythm of the day, and can’t be flipped to sorrow. True happiness is not found in human desires, but in knowing that all is well because God is good, all the time.

Proceeds From Perfection – TT4T306

No matter how faintly perceived, the scientific, spiritual fact of existence, always begins and proceeds from perfection. We’ve talked about this before. We don’t get to perfection, we start with it. Human’s can’t get to perfection anyway, so trying to get there either makes us crazy, depressed, or immensely stuck. Instead, if we remember to begin from the idea that perfection underlies everything, spiritual perfection not material perfection, then everything we do is already the perfect step to take. I need these reminders, how about you?

Light Dissolves Darkness – TT4T304

What is the difference between regular light, like sunlight, and divine light? There is a difference. Just as there is a difference between electric light and sunlight. Here’s something to ponder. In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” Right? And then four days later he made the moon and the stars. Divine light versus sunlight. Interesting right?

Innocence – TT4T303

Innocence is the absence of knowing anything unlike God, Good. Being childlike (not childish) is something we cherish, in children, and in adults who have retained or reattained it. In adults this quality of innocence is not from turning way from what claims to not be good, but in facing it and in doing so dissolve it to its native nothingness. Our true nature is innocence. Something to celebrate don’t you think?

Yielding To Divine Principle – TT4T302

Yielding to the activities of the divine Principle of the universe, we discover the harmony of the perfect man. Another word for yielding is flexible. I have noticed that most people don’t like the process of becoming and staying flexible, they prefer the idea of becoming strong. However, without an increased practice of flexibility, they become more rigid and unyielding. Symbolic? Yes. Yielding is not easy for most of us, and yet, in order to become who we really are, that is what we have to do, yield to the still small voice and let go of old thinking.

The Experience Of Heaven – TT4T301

Awareness of the divine Mind as one infinite, indivisible whole, the experience of heaven becomes a present possibility. I know everyone has a different idea of what heaven would be like. Some people even feel as if we would continue to have opposites. Not me! Most of us however, would agree that heaven doesn’t exist as a room in the sky, but instead as a state of mind. Which means, thinking logically, that we get to choose heaven now based on what we believe it to be. I am going for the invincible, whole, expression of unconditional Love.

Nothing Is Ever Lost – TT4T300

Nothing is ever lost because everything is always present as ideas of the Divine, seen as we release personal human beliefs. This idea follows the quantum physics theory that energy never comes or goes, it just changes forms. Or the idea that nothing exists until we observe it. Until then, it is a wave – of possibilities. Given that this is all symbolic of the true nature of everything we see, it makes sense that nothing could ever be lost; although it may change forms, it is not gone.

Rejoice In The Spiritual Fact – TT4T299

To dissolve any problem, rejoice in the spiritual fact. This sounds so easy doesn’t it. However, what if we don’t feel like rejoicing in the spiritual fact. It happens much more than we are willing to admit, doesn’t it. The problem serves some kind of need for us. If we really want to dissolve it, we can try a massive mood moment. Otherwise, the first step is to work towards being willing to know the spiritual fact. Rejoicing might come later when we are ready to let the problem go.

good…. #297

There is no good or evil, only the Good called God.

Permanent Change – TT4T296

Permanent change is witnessed only by knowing ourselves as the expression and presence of abundance, love, and security.

Our True Identity – TT4T295

Our True Identity has always been within the Christ consciousness. This means that even though we may think we are a parent, a spouse, a male or female, they aren’t our true identity. This also means that our profession is not our true identity, nor is our life style. We can learn who we are by listening within and following the understanding that begins to come as we remain quiet and attentive to the still small voice that guides us.

Ignorance Versus Understanding – TT4T294

Ignorance and understanding can not be in the same place at the same time. This is so obvious it really doesn’t need an explanation. So, I guess the important part of this message is which one shall we choose. I know we are choosing understanding. Next time we feel ignorant about something, let’s choose to understand it instead. Should be very enlightening!

Abundant Inheritance – TT4T293

Our Father Mother God has always claimed us as Its own, and gifted us with an unlimited, consistent, and abundant inheritance. Our inheritance is guaranteed. No one has to die for us to get it. It’s always with us. We can’t run away from it. We can’t give it away. What we can do is ignore it, and never use it. Perhaps we like claiming that we are so special we don’t get an inheritance. Sometimes it is because we didn’t know, sometimes because we forgot. Now we know. Let’s not forget.

Spiritual Nature Is Perfection – TT4T292

How many times a day do we think about our true spiritual nature. One hundred times? Or is it closer to one. Perhaps it is because the material idea of ourselves doesn’t want us to remember, knowing it will disappear in all its glorious imperfection. Or perhaps it is a rule of the game that we have to fight the apathy of being human. Either way, let’s try to get closer to at least once an hour. It will do us a world of good.

Individualized Infinite Power – TT4T291

We are the manifestation of the individualized infinite power of divine Love’s presence. We recognize that every snowflake is different. We even acknowledge that every grain of sand is also individualized. Yet, it is often hard to recognize that we too are the individualized expression of Life. And for Life to be the complete infinite expression of the divine, each of us, each grain of sand, is necessary and always a part of Love’s expression.

Physical and Mental Harmony – TT4T290

Permanent physical and mental harmony is only found within the consciousness of the Divine. Permanent harmony. I know that there are those that claim we need opposites in order to know something. Discord to understand harmony for example. Isn’t this the tree of knowledge of good and evil that took us out of Eden. Instead, we have the ever expanding awareness of something called harmony, or happiness, or joy…no need for the opposite in this scenario. No need for good and evil. Only good, all the time.

Never Subject To Human Conditions – TT4T289

The life that is God is never subject to any human conditions. Pretend you are playing a video game with the avatar that you have designed. The avatar gets bonked on the head. Did you feel it? The avatar dies, did you? This is a loose analogy but it serves its purpose. Human conditions are like a video game. We play with avatars we have designed with our belief systems in a game that has human rules. However, like the avatar in the video game, our true self is outside of human conditions.

Life Is The Principle -TT4T288

Life is the Principle of Love and the Truth of Being knowing Itself – nothing else is actually going on. The fundamental truth, the Principle, of all that exists, is Life, grounded and expanded in Love. Which makes me think that we really don’t understand either Principle or Life or even Love. The good news is, it doesn’t matter. Principle exists with or without our understanding. The even better news is that we do get glimpses of this Truth, and someday we will return to a full understanding.

Limitations Are Illusions – TT4T287

Fear, hate, ugliness, and limitation are illusions and never for a moment a part of Spiritual Being and Life ItselfHow could life limit itself? It couldn’t. It is within our own consciousness that we create illusions of limitation. Doesn’t it seem as if it was time for us to move towards the unlimited Truth of Life and give up illusions? Easier if we do it together, so thank you for joining me, I truly appreciate your company!

Dissolve The Misperception – TT4T286

Conscious awareness that all relationships are with the Divine, dissolves the misperception that they are material and human. Well, when we really get this one, we might have to rewrite all the romantic books, songs, and movies. Relationships would be a celebration of the wholeness of each person. Our most cherished relationships would be the ones that help us understand more of our relationship to the Divine, and assist us in letting go of the belief of human.

One With Their Source – TT4T285

Divine Mind’s thoughts and ideas, are never separate from, but always expressed and known as One with their source, divine Mind. I think we can understand that ideas are one with their source. When we have an idea it springs from within and is a part of us. We are its source. Therefore, we should be able to imagine that everything that exists as an idea of divine Intelligence, is one with its source. The next step – to acknowledge that we are one of those ideas, and have faith we will understand it fully someday.

Spiritual Fact Is The Power -TT4T284

Life is the infinite I Am, the eternal good called God, and consciousness and understanding of this fact reveals spiritual power. If we put the words spiritual and power together are they contradicting each other? Can power be spiritual? That question comes from the human idea of power. If we switch to the power that is the mastermind and force the runs everything in perfect harmony and call all of that spiritual, which it is, then the term spiritual power makes perfect sense.

The Divinity Of All Things – TT4T283

Spiritual perception reveals all that we see and experience as God and Its infinite ideas, the divinity of all things. The day I was working on this print, I realized that I was feeling frustrated because I didn’t feel as if I had any good ideas, or ideas that work anyway. Obviously, I have been not using spiritual perception; seeing and accepting the Truth that infinite ideas are all that there is, so it’s time to shift my perception. I might have to stand on my head to get the ball rolling.

Divine Love Is All-Present – TT4T282

Beginning in the right premise that divine Love is all-present, we are aware that nothing can separate us from that Love. Here’s the logic of this. We are present. Love is present everywhere. So where we are, Love is too. The only time we don’t always feel as if this is true is when we choose a belief that claims we are not present. This belief may appear as our thinking we are not worthy, or we are privileged. Both are only true in the human ego. Let’s give that up shall we. It would be better to feel loved.

Revealing Only Light – TT4T281

In the eternal presence of divine Mind, all that appears as human retreats revealing only light. Don’t you love the idea of revealing. Not making, not forcing…revealing. We experience the quality of revealing every day as we peel fruit, or open doors, or watch the sun rise, revealing what was just a moment before in the dark. We can trust that what we need to know, or have, will be revealed as we pause for the light.

Spiritual Origin Of All Ideas – TT4T280

The Science of Being is the spiritual origin of all ideas, emanating from the one infinite Mind, called God. Let’s see if I have this right. The Spiritual Origin of everything, including us, comes from the one intelligence many of us call God? That’s it right? We are the ideas of God. God thought of us and “bam” here we are. Whether the “bam” was instantaneous or happened over a billion years of our time, doesn’t matter. It was still “bam” in the mind of God.

The Word Art Series is just beginning .. I'll add more as inspiration strikes.


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