Infinite Life is ever-expanding, tranquil, powerful, irresistible, orderly, and beautiful
Infinite Life Is Ever Expanding – TT4T31

Infinite Life is ever-expanding, tranquil, powerful, irresistible, orderly, and beautiful
All things are possible to infinite Mind, therefore all things are possible to us.
As God’s idea, image and likeness, we are not subject to material laws and limitations
Every idea of infinite Mind is perpetual harmonious action and unchangeable and perfect being.
Divine Love and Its qualities fill all time and space. That fact lived must dissolve the lie and illusion that love is not.
When we begin with the premise of infinite Perfection, we find ourselves in infinite Perfection.
What appears as our body is in Reality the embodiment of Love.
Maintaining the yardstick of what is True from the standpoint of Truth, is our full time job as the expression of divine Love.
God, divine Love, is the self-expressed and self-existence of Reality, the substance of all that is being – the I Am.
The Principle known as God, Life, Truth, and Love does not contain, or know, opposites or negatives.
You are the loved and cherished created of the One Creator.
Although love, beauty, harmony, and joy are not God, God is perfect love, beauty, harmony, and joy.
As we lose the human sense of something, it enhances our awareness of its true divine nature and substance.
Living as Love is the consistent awareness of the harmony, beauty, and perfection of being of every person, place, and thing.
As the ideas of infinite abundance, we are a vessel of provision.
The law of universal good, present in every detail of life, is a spiritual, eternal, and ever-present unbreakable law.
Translating material illusion back to its original meaning and substance as Spirit, what appears as human experience improves.
Human limitations dissolve when in correlation to our practice of thinking as divine Mind and living It as unconditional Love.
There is only one Self, the infinite all One, and our true being and Its idea and expression, as Love loving Itself.
Divine Mind is never in any idea, or infinite form, but does know, possess, and include all right ideas.
Interpreting from the viewpoint of Spiritual perception reveals the correct view and spiritual fact of what appears as material.
Divine Mind is never without the idea of Itself; however the illustration of the idea is not its substance, just its symbol.
Light does not forgive the darkness because it doesn’t know it to forgive. Instead it dissolves the illusion of anything unlike Itself.
The divine law of “I Am all in All” guarantees that only unlimited good, harmony, and love eternally fill all time and space.
The substance of every occasion is the idea and thought of it, and both are always present as our being within divine Mind.
To want something and not want something at the same time is possible when we understand and feel grateful for the fact that we already have it.
As we recognize and understand that our invisible supply is inexhaustible, what appears as visible supply corresponds. We are so used to looking for our visible supply; we forget that it begins in thought, in the invisible first. It’s something most of the world has forgotten, so it is up to us to remember it – and live it.
In proportion to our understanding of the eternal Divine, our ignorance of Truth diminishes, and the illusion of limitation vanishes.
Maintaining a positive sense of unity with our divine source, we are governed and protected by that divine Principle called God.
The I that is Mind sees only Its own perfect expressions, and as we see as Mind sees, perfection is all that we can experience.
We always live within the secure mansion of Spirit and the eternal harmony of Soul.